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Emry's palace is once again under attack!

All Emry ever wanted was for her kingdom of Enlennd to thrive. She's plotted and schemed, trained and improved. Still, she inherited a country on the brink of war. As queen, she must keep her people from falling into ruin. Varamtha, the wicked queen of Perth, is coming. To survive Perth's forces, Emry needs allies. Who better to turn to than her neighboring countries for aid?

Is it ironic that Declan has traded out his title of Rioter for Royal? He thinks it is. Who would have thought that he, a lowly Stolen, would become Enlennd's king? He sure didn't. Yet, here he is, about to help his Pair unite the continent. If they fail, it could be more than just Enlennd that falls.

Set in a world where eye color determines one's abilities, Emry and Declan must use their unique sets to rid the world of a power-grasping Silver, while proving once and for all, they're anything but helpless.


It's not easy becoming king to a country you never wanted to run in the first place.

Trezim Azure Niroz was once the third prince of Heerth. Just a few short weeks ago, his highest aspirations had been training his little band of Golds in sun blades and the Turanga. Now, he's king with a whole slew of issues. The worst part of it all is that because of some tedious, ancient custom, Trezim can't make any decisions for his country - at least, not until he finds himself a bride.

Of Sun & Sandstorms is a Swift Shadows novella following the golden-eyed King Trezim in Heerth.


Royals support the crown.
Rioters wish to tear it down.

Five years ago, Emry was mourning the loss of her only brother and feeling utterly helpless. When the opportunity arose to travel to the exotic nation of Heerth, Emry jumped on it. Through the help of her friend, Trezim, she learned the skills needed to protect herself and possibly save her country.

The past five years have gone a little differently for Declan. He has been kidnapped, beaten, stolen, robbed of all that he had ... and trained to become the fastest man in history. But was it all worth it in the end?

Set in a world where eye color determines one's abilities, Emry and Declan must discover the hard way that not all eyes are created equally. Yet, when they do find their perfect match, everything seems to pair up nicely.


Emry is a Royal - a princess of Enlennd. As is tradition, she must have a knight at her side as her protector. The only way to appoint one is through The Trials. Her Challengers from the five regions of Enlennd must compete for the infamous title of Princess's Knight. The problem, though, is that the people of Enlennd are split into two categories: Rioters and Royals. Finding the perfect knight may be the last of her worries. War is coming to Enlennd.

Declan is a Rioter. An upriser. An anarchist. He mistrusts the Jewels - the sovereign family of Enlennd. Yet, he is offering himself up as a Challenger in The Trials. The Mistress, leader of the Rioters, has a mission for him. The first step is for him to become the Princess's Knight. He is ready for the task, until he actually meets Emry and discovers that betraying her would be much more difficult than he'd thought.


The Legends tell of an ancient city called Balinorre. At one time, it was a mighty fortress ruled by High Royalty. It could not fall until one within its walls destroyed it. Since the fall of Balinorre, the evil emperor Dagon has plagued the last free peoples, bringing a life of terror and captivity to the realm. Young Olinia Reien is now the hope of the worlds. She has emerged from her unsavory upbringing as the rightful heir to her world of Caprith. But Dagon has learned of her plot to overthrow him. Now, she must do more than just survive his treachery to save Caprith. She must win.


Olinia Reien and her younger brother were stranded in Ethon after Will left with the shimmer stone, promising to be away for only one day. Now, nineteen months later, they're still stuck in Ethon, leading the lives of average Americans. The monotony is excruciating until they stumble upon an after-school program for the supposed brilliant.

As Olinia is slowly rejoined with her friends, she discovers that things in Ethon aren't exactly as they seem. She is soon faced with an unexpected foe she hadn't known existed. In order to defeat both new and old enemies, Olinia must return to her realm to end it all where she began and become the person she was always meant to be - Queen of the Other Worlds.